How you're helping

Your impact 

Did you know 20,973 women in Australia will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year?
Sadly, that number continues to rise.*

On any given day, more than 57 women* will have their worlds turned upside down when they hear the words “you have breast cancer”, and nine women^ will tragically lose their fight against the disease.

These women are our mothers, daughters, sisters and friends—and they need your help.

By raising funds for Mater Chicks in Pink as part of International Women’s Day Fun Run presented by Queensland X-Ray, you are making an impact in the lives of these women.

Your fundraising efforts will be helping to fund life-saving research at Mater to better understand and treat breast cancer now and into the future.

Ultimately, you’ll be raising funds for women with breast cancer today to save lives tomorrow. We can’t thank you enough.

*AIHW Australian Cancer Database
^National Breast Cancer Foundation

1 in 7 women are diagnosed with breast cancer
in their lifetime*.

*AIHW Australian Cancer Database

Donate today and with Mater Chicks in Pink and be part of the wave of change for women with breast cancer.