Kirsty Hacker

Noosa Triathlon 2024

I am taking on Noosa Triathlon 2024!

I've committed to being part of Team Smiddy at the 2024 Noosa Triathlon.

That means in November, I'll be taking on an Olympic distance triathlon. That's a 1500m swim, 40km ride and 10km run! Yes, I'll be pushing my body to the limit.

Why am I taking on this challenge?

Because I'm committed to going beyond in the fight against cancer. 

As part of my challenge I'm aiming to raise funds towards ground-breaking research at Mater into the causes, prevention and treatment of various types of cancer.

And this is where I need your help.

Will you support my fundraising by making a donation today?

Thank you to my Sponsors


Mel Hall

Proud of you sis xx


Vanessa Radovanovic

Great job Kirsty, keep it up!



great racing Kirst!!


Sarah Renneberg

Go Kirsty.



You got this Kirst x so proud of you!


Natalie Moloney

Well done legend!


Mum And Dad Hacker

Well done


Lee Scott

Good luck Kirsty! You've got this!


De Tully

Proud of you KH!



Go ex WW KH you got this!


Marnie Tinson

Go Kirsty!!!!



Great work Kirsty!


Mum And Dad Hacker


Hacker Fam

Great work Aunty K!


T&l Richards Pty Lyd

Congrats Kirst! You amaze me… well done gorgeous lady!



Woohoo Kirst


Sarah Mounsey

Well done Kirst!


Tim Fischer

Go get em


Kirsty Hacker