Owen Sykes

Noosa Triathlon 2024

I am taking on Noosa Triathlon 2024!

I've committed to being part of Team Smiddy at the 2024 Noosa Triathlon.

That means in November, I'll be taking on an Olympic distance triathlon. That's a 1500m swim, 40km ride and 10km run! Yes, I'll be pushing my body to the limit.

Why am I taking on this challenge?

Because I'm committed to going beyond in the fight against cancer.ย 

As part of my challenge I'm aiming to raise funds towards ground-breaking research at Mater into the causes, prevention and treatment of various types of cancer.

And this is where I need your help.

Will you support my fundraising by making a donation today?

Thank you to my Sponsors


Paul Piercy



Crazy man, Mr Sykes. All the best for the event๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘


Big Seedwell


Susan Winship

Hi Owen, we hope all goes well. Good luck. Love Mark and Sue


K & G

Go get em O



Good luck O


Helen & Alan Drews

Good Luck Sykesy, you continue to be amazing! Such a worthy cause too. ๐Ÿ˜Š




James Sharp


Neil Purkiss


Jenny Cummings

Good luck from a cancer survivor.


Jo M

Good on you Owen Just keep swimming...cycling....running!



Surely there would be one more in the legs…


Jim & Lou Hoare

Thanks for your contribution towards raising funds to help with cancer research, Big O. We already appreciate what you do for us! You are our champion!


Sally And Tristan Orpin

Well Done!!!!!


Tina Griffiths

Go Owen!!!


Owen Sykes


Kate S

Good luck Owen


Anja Simukka




John Gretton

Good Luck Owen