Tyler Murray

Noosa Triathlon 2024

My Activity Tracking


I am taking on Noosa Triathlon 2024!

I've committed to being part of Team Smiddy at the 2024 Noosa Triathlon.

That means in November, I'll be taking on an Olympic distance triathlon. That's a 1500m swim, 40km ride and 10km run! Yes, I'll be pushing my body to the limit.

Why am I taking on this challenge?

Because I'm committed to going beyond in the fight against cancer. 

As part of my challenge I'm aiming to raise funds towards ground-breaking research at Mater into the causes, prevention and treatment of various types of cancer.

And this is where I need your help.

Will you support my fundraising by making a donation today?

Thank you to my Sponsors


Andy Phelps



I’m very grateful for the treatment my Dad received before he passed too. Good on you for this amazing effort! X


Jessica Feeney

Good Luck Tyler! It will be a massive feeling of accomplishment once you cross that line. Cheering for you! ✨


Jess, Karl & The Girls

Go Tyler! We are cheering you on! You’ve got this!


Dev Mckey


Deborah Phelps

Go Tj Mum would have been proud. Go you


Guy Olsen

Great work brother man!


Phelps Fam



Good luck, mate.




Dwayne B

Awesome muzz. X


Isa De Luca

Wow Tyler, you really are amazing 🤩


A R Pack

I didn't know that about your Mum mate, very sorry. Appreciate your effort to bring attention and fundraise for this cause. Looks like you've been training hard. Good luck!


Glenn Metcalf

So very proud mate, you’ll have many people watching over you during your amazing effort for such a fantastic cause.



Good on ya Tyler! So proud


Dale Byrne

Will be thinking of you as you embark on this challenge. Great cause - good luck 👌


Brian Doran

Good work mate and good luck.


Ben Johnson


Tara Philpot

Great work TMuzz! We think you’re awesome 👏❤️


James Hedges

Go you good thing, best of luck mate .


Joel Brisblat


Chris Boothman

Very worthy cause. Good luck with your fundraising and the Triathlon Mate!


Noosa Hinterland Brewing


Kobi Gray

yeah the bulldogs




Simon Hedges

Go hard mate


Sandy And Loz

Well done Tyler your Mum would be so proud of you xxx


Sam Franklin


Jennifer Rooney


Gav Matthews


Alexandra Olsen

Go Muzz! We are all so proud of you and will be there to cheer you across that finish line!


Tammy Hutchinson

Your mum has always been proud of you and will be looking over you cheering you on! You will smash this TJ Loads of love always aunty Tam


Andy Lim


Greg Coman

Good luck Tyler




Ben Swanson

Brake a leg... ;)