Who you're helping

Mothers and Babies.

Every night up to 79 babies will be cared for in our Neonatal Critial Care Unit

One in five Queenslanders are born at a Mater Hospital.

On average 33 babies are born everday at a Mater Hospital in Queensland

On average a premature or seriously ill baby need to stay in Mater's Neonatal Critial Care Unit for 11 days.

Your fundraising can ensure vulnerable babies
are given the best possible start to life.

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In Australia there is a new cancer diagnosis every four minutes.

Today 396 Australians will be told "you have cancer."

Today 137 Australians will die from cancer.

Three in every ten deaths in Australia in 2016 were due to cancer.

Your fundraising is supporting vital 
cancer research.

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Young People.

Each day up to 19 young adults receive treatment at Mater to support their emtional, social and developmental needs.

Mater's Young Adult Heath Centre Brisbane has 9000 presentations from young adults aged 16-25 each year

More than 2200 vunerable young people are treated in Mater's Young Adult Heath Centre in Brisbane each year.

The Amanda Flynn Clinic, within Mater's new Emtional Heath Unity, sees 136 presentations each year.

Your fundraising will help young people
now and into the future.

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