Give light during their darkest days
Donate before 30 June

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Our goal


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Helps towards transforming the NCCU from a clinical environment to a warm and bright space for families experiencing their darkest days.
Helps towards purchasing visitor chairs that unite families and reduces stress while in the NCCU.
Helps towards purchasing a set of milestone cards so families can celebrate their babies' achievements while in the NCCU.

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  • Jonathan just donated $211
  • LEONARD just donated $105
  • Adi just donated $22.16
  • May just donated $52.75
  • Thomas just donated $22
  • Preeta just donated $105.50
  • Cisca just donated $500
  • Zoran just donated $10.55
  • Viha just donated $100
  • Dorothy just donated $23.21
  • Lisa just donated $10.55
  • Jesus just donated $21.10
  • Marcelo just donated $300
  • Irina just donated $21.10
  • Sebastien just donated $31.65
  • Janet just donated $52.75
  • Arani just donated $23.21
  • Sam just donated $23.21
  • Man Wa just donated $99
  • Jimena just donated $10.55

Meet Julia

Baby Charlotte was delivered by emergency caesarean at just 25 weeks. She arrived dangerously early, weighing only 750 grams. Her lungs were not developed and she needed around-the-clock care just to stay alive.

For the next 90 days her mum, Julia and her family would call the NCCU home. Experiencing all the newborn milestones, that should be experienced in the comfort of their own home, in the NCCU.


until 30 June

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We need your help

This tax time, we urgently need your help to transform the NCCU from a clinical and sterile environment into a warm and inviting haven for the 79 families calling it their home away from home on any given day.

Raised so far


Our goal


Your support will ensure...

NCCU refurbishment

Your generous gift of $250 will help transform the NCCU from a clinical environment into a warm and inviting space by updating way-finding to provide peace of mind to families navigating the NCCU, improving ward signage so that parents and family members know exactly which room their precious baby is in, and refreshing and reinvigorating the unit, breathing light into every corner.

Visitor armchairs

Your gift of $100 will help towards increasing the number of chairs available for family engagement. This will help benefit the well-being of families like Julia’s experiencing uncertain times in the NCCU. Providing these extra chairs means friends and family members can be there to provide emotional support and reduce stress during hard times.

Milestone cards

Your small gift of $25 could provide mothers like Julia a means of celebrating and documenting their unique journey at Mater’s NCCU. After all, reaching developmental milestones may take a little longer for premature babies compared to babies born at full term. These cards help parents understand these special milestones and bring some brightness into their darkest days.

Julia's Story

Baby Charlotte was delivered by emergency caesarean at just 25 weeks. She arrived dangerously early, weighing only 750 grams. Her lungs were not developed and she needed around-the-clock care just to stay alive.

The first time mum Julia saw her, Charlotte was in an incubator. Her tiny body was half hidden by the wires and tubes keeping her alive.

Families like Julia’s spend weeks and even months in Mater Mothers’ Neonatal Critical Care Unit (NCCU), going through the toughest times anyone could ever face.

Julia says, “The moments I dreamt about while pregnant with Charlotte, cradling her, singing lullabies, reading stories, changing nappies, they all started in the NCCU.”

Families like Julia’s do whatever they can to make the NCCU more homely. After a few weeks, Julia was bringing in her own swaddles to make Charlotte’s bed.

Small touches like these are how parents try to make up for the fact that their baby is on a ward with several other families, surrounded by monitors and machines with their flashing lights and beeping noises, instead of at home.

Julia says, “Some mums speak of hearing phantom cries; every night I'd go home and hear phantom monitors going off.”

This tax time, we urgently need your help to transform the NCCU into a warm and comforting space for parents going through their darkest and most difficult days.

Will you send light to families experiencing their darkest days?