Charlie Cave

MacG Spellathon 2022

MacG Spellathon 2022

MacGregor SHS Spell-a-thon 2022 is raising much needed funds for Mater Little Miracles. The Year 8 cohort will take part in a 100 word spelling test to improve spelling and to make a difference for thousands of sick babies who receive around the clock specialist care from the team in Mater's Neonatal Critical Care Unit.  Your generous support will go to life saving research, care and equipment so all babies can grow up to be happy and healthy children. 

My Achievements

Updated profile picture

Shared fundraising page

Received first donation

Received five donations

50% of goal

100% of goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Aunty Tash

Go Charlie!!! Love your big brain and big heart 💜


Daphne Welsh


Nikki And Family

Well done Charlie!


Geoff/glenda Cave

Go Charlie & good luck!!!



Good luck!!


Julie Dawson

Citsatnaf troffe Charlie!! 🙃


Mum And Dad

Go Charlie



Good luck Charlie


Janine And Paul Meyer

Good luck with your fundraising for a great Cause Charlie


Nat Renshaw

Go Charlie!!!


Em Greig

Good luck! Great cause 🌺



Best wishes with your Spellathon results Charlie. Hope you raise lots of money for this very worthy cause.


Maree Hermann

Good luck Charlie



Great cause. Well done Charlie