In loving memory of Graeme

By Graeme Campbell

Jill seemed to become everyone's friend and you couldn't seem to go anywhere without someone hailing her and stopping for a chat.  She touched a lot of people's lives and their lives touched hers.

The world could seem a much sadder place for her passing, but her enthusiasm for people and her empathy for them will colour the world for a long time to come.

Her battle against Melanoma was hard and took a lot out of her, but she retained her interest in other people to the end.  Even in the hospital in the last few weeks she was encouraging student nurses who were about to sit exams and telling them how they would succeed and pass.

She was an avid crafter and sewer and many people have been given her shopping bags and other things. 

But her primary interest was for her children, her grandchild Charlie and step grandchildren Maia and Tiana. All of these were the most important.

Cancer is an insidious disease so whatever you can give to aid the fight and honour Jill's memory would be much appreciated.

Thank you to my Supporters


The Jenkins Family

In loving memory of an amazing friend. Jill was a second mum to me and Aunty Jill to my kids. We have such great memories of all the fun times we shared over the years. She fought to the end.


Erin Field

❤️ thanks Jill for being a good friend and an all round good person! And for creating my desire for a cricut! ❤️


Victoria Sheward

Such a dear friend, taken way too soon. Rest In Peace Jill. XX


Janice, Phillip And Diane

In loving memory of our dear sister Jillian Veronica Campbell who passed away at Mater Hospital June 10 2024


Graeme Campbell

A donation in the hope that the little bit I contribute may help save someone from the same pain and suffering that my Darling wife Jill experienced in her battle against Melanoma.


Cynthia Taylor

My beautiful friend was such a fighter. She gave it her all. I will cherish all the moments we had together. RIP my dear Jilly💜💚💛💙🩷❤️