Doing it 4 the Mammaries

International Women's Day Fun Run presented by Queensland X-Ray

We’re part of the International Women’s Day Fun Run!

We're raising funds to support women with breast cancer now and into the future. 

By making a donation, you can play a part in improving treatments and care for women diagnosed with breast cancer.  

When you donate, you’re helping to support counselling services and supply practical items like mastectomy bras and wigs after surgery and chemotherapy.  

You’ll also be supporting world leading research that focuses on improving survival rates and working towards a world where ALL women diagnosed with breast cancer survive. 

Ultimately, you’ll help make life easier for women with breast cancer today and save more lives tomorrow. 

As little as $65 can make a profound impact and take some of the stress off women with breast cancer and their families. Please, if you possibly can, will you donate today? 

Our Achievements

50% of fundraising goal

100% of fundraising goal

Uploaded profile pic

4+ team members

Shared team fundraising page

Increase team fundraising goal

Thank you to our Sponsors


Beerwah Rsl Nisbett

hope this helps Beerwah RSL I



Way to go Jen you are the best


Theresa Davidson


Lottie Nisbett


Lottie Nisbett

hope you reach your gold sweetheart Love you


Stella Hull

Hope this helps hun Do your best Aunty stella xxx


Jenniffer Maynard




You've Received A Match!

Thanks to our amazing event supporters


Penguin 💖

Love ya Panda


Jeannie Marshall


Corey Cooper

Good luck Jen!


Deb And Col Schulze

Good luck with your fund raising Jenniffer.


Lottie Nisbett

Hope this helps you my darling Lottie xxx


Melissa Raynor

all the best for your run thank you for doing this



So proud


Rob & Katy

Good luck!


Meghan I Kay


Mary-jayne Condren

Good luck baby


Kathleen "joy" Banner

All the best Jenny


Jenniffer Maynard