Holly Baker

The Chop 2022

The Chop 2022

Hello everyone!

The 2022 female year 12's of Carmel College have decided to chop their hair off on the 31st of August to donate to sustainable salons.

The donated hair will be used to make wigs for people suffering from medically-induced hair loss.

Alongside this initiative, we will be fundraising for Mater Chicks in Pink, a charity that supports women diagnosed with breast cancer.

In solidarity with the cause, the senior boys will be shaving their heads!

We appreciate donations of all sizes.

Thank you for your support of this worthy cause! 

My Achievements

Updated profile picture

Shared fundraising page

Received first donation

Received five donations

50% of goal

100% of goal

Thank you to my Sponsors


Hayley Herselman


Flynn Baker


Hailee Speck


Shake Kids

Go Miss Holly!


Jayne Self

What a great thing you are all doing. Great cause


Jan Mcclintock

Congratulations Holly on an amazing year. Such a great charity and I look forward to being a part of it again.💙


The Sartors

Such a beautiful thing to do Holly. You’re a gorgeous girl, inside and out! X


Kathy Barnsdale

You go girl!!!


Amanda Kay

So proud of you Holly!


Nan Nan & Pa


Frances Edwards

Well done Holly. I should have done that instead of putting it in a bag to keep.😘😘


Chervorn Levy

Amazing Holly! So happy to support you in such an important cause xxx


Your Baker Fam

Awesome Holly! What a fabulous thing you & your crew are doing to help. Congratulations girls xo


Andrea Brooker

Well done Holly, what a fantastic thing to do.


Your Friendly Neighbourhood Spider-man

Rapunzel Rapunzel let down your hair, oh don’t tell me you have none to spare. Great work you have done Holly!


Kristen Filtness

So proud of you Holly 😘xoxo




Stella Kay Grandma

So proud of you.


Ruby & Max

You’re awesome Hol!


Fiona Berka

Amazing Holly , what a great cause xxx


Carie Bolton

Well done Holly. Such a great cause and that’s a lot of hair to chop off. Cxx


Naomi Holder

Amazing effort, Holly. Well done x


Your Pet Super Store Friends

Awesome Holly!


Holly Baker


Stella Kay

Very proud Holly, to a worthy cause that helped me.


Kylie Eddie

A truly self-less and admirable decision beautiful Holly x


Pet Super Store

Such a great cause, great work Holly!