Clare Tart

International Women's Day Fun Run presented by Queensland X-Ray

I’m part of the International Women’s Day Fun Run!

You all know how important this is to me, Kev and the boys. 

We are raising funds to support everyone who has to go through this journey.

By making a donation, you can play a part in improving treatments and care for women diagnosed with breast cancer.  

When you donate, you’re helping to support counselling services and supply practical items like mastectomy bras and wigs after surgery and chemotherapy.  

You’ll also be supporting world leading research that focuses on improving survival rates and working towards a world where ALL women diagnosed with breast cancer survive. 

Ultimately, you’ll help make life easier for women with breast cancer today and save more lives tomorrow. 

If you possibly can, please donate - every bit counts!

  • Thanks to your support, Clare Tart has raised enough for 3.0 hours of research lab time.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Maree Dobbs


Janet Gonle

Go team Tart!


Kate Blackett

Clare Have a fabulous time running this weekend for an incredible charity. Good Luck 🌸 Kate x




Clare Tart


The Bennett’s

Go Team Tart! 💙 You are such a strong woman. We love you x The Bennetts



You got this Babe along with your partner in crime Finn - go smash it out and get the message out there to be brave and get checked.


Geoffrey Tart